Better Act at Work for Better Living

Cap sur la Sophrologie S.à r.l.® offers new perspectives in the areas of Continuing Vocational Training, Coaching (Sophrology at Work), HR Consulting.

Cap sur la Sophrologie S.à r.l.® devotes its energy and skills to support teams and individuals with both human and professional monitoring to develop talents, potentials.

Cap sur Sophrologie S.à rl® is proposing the expertise and technical skills in Human Resources Management of its team:  targeted approach and focus on specific needs & requests of companies and individuals, in the professional context.

Managerial Support

Crisis coaching

#BurnOut # Post-crisis stress # Decompensation #Psychosocial risks (PSR) → spot the signs and learn to manage them

Stress is a manifestation of PSR → consolidation upstream / during / downstream

Some benchmarks:

Transitions / Career sponsor and coaching

Support coaching

Program #acute professional stress phases # dismissal, # transfer #etc.

#Changes #Strategies #TeamWorkSpirit #Motivation. #StressManagement

Expatriate and International Resident Collaborators

Global Integration Program

→ Certified Trainings. Business French A1-B2 / C1-C2: administrative, economic, trade and negotiation, daily life - Specialized courses upon request.

→ Administrative Supports - Administration de l’Emploi, Centre Commun Sécurité Sociale, Administration des Contributions, other Administrations:

# Files preparation, #follow-up and #contacts with the Administrations 

Talor-made sponsor and coaching

Coaching program for managers, supervisors

# ProgramsUponRequest


They are held on specific items, in French, in English, after one initial interview to define the needs of your company; in groups which are defined by you.

Workshops take place in the company premises, according to a dedicated program to each company. Possibility of one-to-one appointments on identified needs.

As an accredited training provider, the legislation on continuing vocational training enables companies that are legally established in Luxembourg to benefit from financial assistance for their training plans.
